Maliaโ€™s Curse

A short story that features a sneak peak of Ice ~ Knights Of Silence MC book one

Maliaโ€™s Curse
Amy Cecil

Villains are not born, they are made one at a time.

Malia never fit in. She was the outcast at the Wilton Academy for Girls and she was constantly bullied. The โ€œpopularโ€ girls made it clear on a daily basis that she was not welcome. When the girls do the unspeakable Malia is surprised at the lengths they will go to be rid of her.

What were once snide comments and name-calling has now become something dangerous. Locked in an attic at school, terrified that no one will find her, Malia is visited by an odd man who makes an offer to change her life.

Without thought or consideration of the consequences, Malia takes his offer and immediately she and her mother are transported to a new world with a new life. That hasty decision will change Maliaโ€™s life forever โ€“ and not necessarily for the better.

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